Taraba State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 Upload List
Taraba State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 is out. See more details regarding the Taraba State SUBEB list of successful candidates, Taraba State SUBEB teachers Shortlisted Candidate, requirements, and other related information below.
To find the Taraba State SUBEB shortlisted candidates for the 2025/2026 session and upload list, I recommend visiting the official website of the Taraba State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) or their designated portals. These platforms should provide the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the shortlisted candidates and any required uploads. Good luck with your search!
The Taraba State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) has released the official list of shortlisted candidates for the 2023/2024 recruitment exercise. This marks a significant step in the state government’s efforts to strengthen the education sector by employing qualified personnel to improve the quality of basic education in the state.
We are glad to inform you that the Taraba SUBEB Shortlisted Candidate is out. Shortlisted candidates will be able to check their names and proceed to the next stage. Read on to learn more.
How to Check the Taraba State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026
Alternatively, visit the official Taraba State Universal Basic Education Board recruitment portal at tarabastate.gov.ng or login to your account at tarabasubeb.org. Remember to take note of your screening date, batch, and time. Failure to report at the screening center within the stipulated time means that you have declined the offer.
Take note of the following;
- You must be of good behavior and composure
- You must be physically, mentally, and psychologically fit.
- Do not pay anyone who claims he will help you get this job.
- Being among the shortlisted candidates is not a guarantee that you will be selected. There will be screening for all shortlisted candidates. The screening test will be a Computer-Based Test. The date, time, and examination center will be communicated to you via E-mail.
What are the Required Documents for the Taraba State SUBEB Screening? 2025/2026
To prove you were the one who fill out the online application form, you are required to bring the following to the screening center
- Recent Passport photographs
- Certificate of L.G.A of Origin (Local Government Identification)
- Print out of your registration slip
- Certificate of State of Origin duly signed
- Educational certificates (Primary Six School Leaving Certificate, Senior Secondary School Certificate, B.SC, B.ED, B.A (Ed), HND, OND, or NCE certificate from a recognized institution)
- Birth Certificate (the National Population Commission) or Affidavit of Declaration of Age
- A valid means of identity such as a Valid Driver’s License, National ID Card, National Identification Number (NIN), Nigerian International Passport, Voters card
- A copy of the printout of the reply to your online application
- Bank Verification Number(BVN)
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