Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU) is one of the most familiar State University in Nigerian ,the School is located in Mkpat Enin local Government Area .
Akwa Ibom State University was conceived and funded by the Akwa Ibom State Government. Unity of people with a passion to constantly seek knowledge that addresses practical issues of development in Nigeria.The university opened its doors to its pioneer students in the 2010/2011 academic year. Wikipedia
Founded: 18 October 2000
2022/2023 admission platform is the platform for refleshers during 2021/2022 jamb participant.
Step to follow :
- Applicant jamb login detail as :jamb reg number
- Applicant jamb password
- Follow the link https;//www.jamb.gov.ng/Efacility
Th applicant must followed the instruction order by the instructors on how to check his/her admission status